I am Chris Carubia...
... and I want to change Ellesmere Port and Brombrough for the better. I am a passionate candidate running for Parliament in the new constituency of Ellesmere Port and Bromborough, and my mission is to represent the people and bring positive change to our community. I believe in the power of collaboration and am committed to working with local businesses and residents to create a thriving and inclusive community.
Thank you for visiting and I hope to earn your support.

A Record of local service
I am a three-term councillor for the ward of Eastham in Wirral South where I have lived for over fifty years.
- Spokesperson for the Children, Family's and Education committee which I have been for over nine years, along with a seat on the looked after children's and corporate parenting board, and am the lead councillor for special educational needs in Wirral.
- Chair Wirral's anti slavery group and am our spokesperson on the Merseyside Pensions Fund, one of the largest funds in the country which is administered by Wirral Council.
- Chair of Governors in my local primary school
- Held a weekly advice surgery at the local library for over nine years helping residents from not only Eastham, but from the wider borough.

Campaigning across Liverpool
In 2016 I stood as the Liberal Democrat candidate for the Merseyside Police and Crime Commissioner, where we gained a considerable increase in our vote share from 3% to 13.4% with just under 35,000 votes across Mereyside
My campaign then was on maintaining a visible presence by defending front line policing, to protect neighbourhood policing and fully support our PCSOs, to ensure swift and effective response to reports of anti-social behaviour, prioritising and tackling domestic violence and sexual exploitation and to champion the rights of victims and the use of restorative justice. I can honestly say, in my opinion, that these issues have not progressed in any meaningful way and still need to be championed.

A Cancer Champion
I have supported Maggies for many years and helped ensure it also remained in Wirral when it was to move to Liverpool. I have raised funds along with any others to ensure it remined here for our residents.

My Business Background
Chris started work as an apprentice electrician. I worked in Information Technology and management for global companies at board level. I then ran my own successful business for many years in Ellesmere Port and Bromborough and I firmly believe that the self employed and SME's are the backbone of our society.